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The Story of Code Blue

Code Blue is a fine jewelry and luxury home goods store located in the tiny, coastal village of Westhampton Beach, NY. Nestled on Main Street, just a stone’s throw from the historic Westhampton Beach Performing Arts Center. The thoughtfully-curated shop carries the best of everything — high-end jewelry, watches,furniture, tableware, silks and textiles, rugs, home furnishings, accessories,and items for children and pets. Code Blue feels like a jewel box waiting to be discovered, with a charming storefront and oversized windows that welcome the light, and visitors, inside.

Designed by a renowned interior designer whose work can be seen in New York City, the Hamptons, London and Dubai, the store’s aesthetic is reminiscent of an elegant, enchanted forest,spirited yet effortless with natural textures, warm lighting and subtle yet bold touches that create a sense of relaxed opulence. Audacious details like custom zebra wood cabinetry and whimsical wallpaper - with dark green hues,lush foliage and delicate flowers that serve as a backdrop for birds, bees and fairies in-flight - are just a few surprises you’ll find inside this ever-changing dreamland.

Our jewelry parlor showcases eye-catching gems, one-of-a-kind pieces and handmade treasures, like the Looking Glass Ring, a rose cut Ethiopian opal surrounded by a halo pink sapphires and embedded in 14-carat yellow gold with a signature texture inspired by life’s strange and mysterious ways, and other worthy and worldly things for the charming debutante, the avant-garde writer, the finer-things-in-life connoisseur. In home goods, you’ll find custom furnishing sand limited edition collections, from tableware to textiles, including the Calabria Throw, a tiger-striped, sustainably-sourced cashmere blanket and other indulgent house wares.

At Code Blue, we believe in the art of living, an art where objects have meaning and can transport us to a different place, a different time, a different feeling. That’s why we hand-select every item we have in our store and carry only our very favorite things. So you can choose from the best of the best of everything.

Our collection evolves as trips are taken, friends are made and moments are shared, but we can always guarantee quality, refinement and adventure. Our signature motif, however, remains the one constant, a simple seal served with a wink to say, you deserve the best of everything.

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